Thursday 1 August 2013

Surround yourself with those who see greatness with in you - Friday Inspiration

Have a lovely weekend :)

How to dress for a wedding

Its wedding season!

Most of my friends are busy scrambling trying to find the best dress with the perfect shoes the right clutch, the accessories etc.

I too have been stressed, one of my dear friends is getting married and I really want to find the perfect dress... but I may have my eye on one, so will have to decide.

Its serious business this finding the perfect dress!

So I was like maybe I should put together some Inspirational outfits, in time for this stressful time called the wedding season.

Flowing feminine short dresses for Summer and Spring weddings

A traditional outfit will do for day weddings

Feminine flowing satin dress for an Evening wedding

Elegant dress for day wedding with Hat accessory

Elegant satin dress with feminine detailing will be perfect for day and evening wedding

 Sparkly dress for evening wedding

ahhh thats all I can say about this dress suited for day and evening wedding

Simple elegant black dress

Long dresses for weddings are the thing to wear these days.

Thank you for reading, please share your friends who will be going to weddings and need some inspiration.  "Sharing is Caring"  :)

Do you have a particular style that you like to wear for weddings?