Friday 14 February 2014

Cheers to love :)

I hope you enjoy the rest of the LOVE month.

Cheers to love for the family and friends you love;

Cheers to the love for your work;

Cheers to the love for your hobbies and passions; and

Cheers to the love for fashion.

Have  great weekend!

Thank you for reading and Happy Valentines day:)


Friday 7 February 2014

Inspirational Friday

Was feeling bad last week Friday after a great disappointed and just wanted to stay home and drink tea and sulk then a friend of mine called me and asked me what I was up to and wanted to know if I wanted to go out.  At first I was like I would rather stay home and sulk.  But then thought of this quote "No matter how you feel, get UP, dress UP and show UP".  I did and guess what my spirit was lifted UP and was wondering by the end of the weekend what it was that had me down... couldn't even remember *wink.

So next time you are feeling awful just:





Have a great weekend!

Take Care :)